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Sagar Kamate

Tooltip Not Showing For Msline Flashmode

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I have used the Ms Line chart in flash mode.


I want to show the tool tip on mouse over anywhere on line.


If i set the angleRadius to non zero then it shows the tool tip at the data point only but not in between these data points as it showing in java script mode.


Is there any property to show tool tip anywhere on line for flash mode?


Thanks in advance.



Edited by Sagar Kamate

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Apologies for the delayed reply.


The anchors handle tool tips and links for the data points. So, if you opt to not render anchors on a chart by setting anchorRadius to 0, the tool tips and links won't function. You can, however, hide them by setting alpha to 0 (anchorAlpha='0') and still enable tool tips and links.


No, Flash chart does not support any attribute to show tool tip when you hover on a object and remains visible until you move to other objects over anywhere on a chart.

Hope this helps.:)

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