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Multi-Drill Down With Json

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I am trying to get a multi-drill down to work with JSON data and cannot get it to work. It works fine with XML. Below is a sample on the test JSON I have. The main chart shows but when you click on an item to drill down you get a message "No Data to Display"


Can anyone be of assistance?


var chartdata4 = {
"chart": {
	"caption": " ",
	"palette": "1",
	"rotatenames": "0",
	"animation": "1",
	"numdivlines": "4",
	"basefont": "Arial",
	"basefontsize": "12",
	"useroundedges": "1",
	"legendborderalpha": "0"
"categories": [
	{"font": "Arial", "fontsize": "12",	"category": [
		{"label": "2011"},
		{"label": "2012"}
"dataset": [
	{"seriesname": "LOC-A", "alpha": "90", "showvalues": "0", "data": [
		{"value": "30", "link":"newchart-json-2011-quarterly.json"},
		{"value": "26", "link":"newchart-json-2012-quarterly.json"}
	{"seriesname": "LOC-B", "showvalues": "0", "alpha": "90", "data": [
		{"value": "27", "link":"newchart-json-2011-quarterly.json"},
		{"value": "25", "link":"newchart-json-2012-quarterly.json"}
	{"seriesname": "Company Trend", "renderas": "Line", "data": [
		{"value": "27"},
		{"value": "25"}
	{"seriesname": "Department Trend", "renderas": "Line", "data": [
		{"value": "30"},
		{"value": "26"}
		"chart": {
			"caption": " ",
			"xaxisname":"2011 Quarterly", 
			"palette": "1",
			"rotatenames": "0",
			"animation": "1",
			"numdivlines": "4",
			"basefont": "Arial",
			"basefontsize": "12",
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		"categories": [
			{"font": "Arial", "fontsize": "12",	"category": [
				{"label": "Q1"},
				{"label": "Q2"},
				{"label": "Q3"},
				{"label": "Q4"}
		"dataset": [
			{"seriesname": "LOC-A", "alpha": "90", "showvalues": "0", "data": [
				{"value": "10", "link":"newchart-json-2011-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "7", "link":"newchart-json-2011-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "8", "link":"newchart-json-2011-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "5", "link":"newchart-json-2011-monthly.json"}
			{"seriesname": "LOC-B", "showvalues": "0", "alpha": "90", "data": [
				{"value": "6", "link":"newchart-json-2011-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "4", "link":"newchart-json-2011-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "12", "link":"newchart-json-2011-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "5", "link":"newchart-json-2011-monthly.json"}
			{"seriesname": "Company Trend", "renderas": "Line", "data": [
				{"value": "10"},
				{"value": "7"},
				{"value": "8"},
				{"value": "5"}
			{"seriesname": "Department Trend", "renderas": "Line", "data": [
				{"value": "6"},
				{"value": "4"},
				{"value": "12"},
				{"value": "5"}
	"id":"2012-quarterly", "linkedcharts":{
		"chart": {
			"caption": " ",
			"xaxisname":"2012 Quarterly", 
			"palette": "1",
			"rotatenames": "0",
			"animation": "1",
			"numdivlines": "4",
			"basefont": "Arial",
			"basefontsize": "12",
			"useroundedges": "1",
			"legendborderalpha": "0"
		"categories": [
			{"font": "Arial", "fontsize": "12",	"category": [
				{"label": "Q1"},
				{"label": "Q2"},
				{"label": "Q3"},
				{"label": "Q4"}
		"dataset": [
			{"seriesname": "LOC-A", "alpha": "90", "showvalues": "0", "data": [
				{"value": "8", "link":"newchart-json-2012-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "3", "link":"newchart-json-2012-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "7", "link":"newchart-json-2012-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "8", "link":"newchart-json-2012-monthly.json"}
			{"seriesname": "LOC-B", "showvalues": "0", "alpha": "90", "data": [
				{"value": "11", "link":"newchart-json-2012-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "4", "link":"newchart-json-2012-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "6", "link":"newchart-json-2012-monthly.json"},
				{"value": "4", "link":"newchart-json-2012-monthly.json"}
			{"seriesname": "Company Trend", "renderas": "Line", "data": [
				{"value": "8"},
				{"value": "3"},
				{"value": "7"},
				{"value": "8"}
			{"seriesname": "Department Trend", "renderas": "Line", "data": [
				{"value": "11"},
				{"value": "4"},
				{"value": "6"},
				{"value": "4"}

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Here is the code we are using to call the chart:


var rootChart = new FusionCharts( "Charts/MSCombi2D.swf", "myChartId", "100%", "100%", "0", "1" );
   rootChart.render( "chartContainer" );

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Guest Sashibhusan



With regard to your issue,


Could you please,


1. Remove the .json extension from the drill down link and provide only the id, as shown below:


Incorrect code:

{"value": "30", "link":"newchart-json-2011-quarterly.json"}


Correct Code:

{"value": "30", "link":"newchart-json-2011-quarterly"}


2. Replace "linkedcharts" with "linkedchart" for "2012-quarterly" linkeddata, as you are using Multiple levels of drilldown.


Hope this helps!

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Guest Sashibhusan



Thank you for your response.


Please do let us know if we could be of any further help.


Happy FusionCharting.:D

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