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'<' Sign Not Getting Displayed

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I am trying to display "ABC < EFG" as caption of the chart. I have used the following value to generate the caption caption='ABC < EFG'. But when the chart is displayed I get just "ABC" as the caption. Attached is the chart picture for your reference. Can you help me in finding out a problem. I have used the same thing in another chart but for labels value and it is working fine.


Thank you,



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Guest Sashibhusan



We are not able to replicate the issue from our end even in FusionCharts V3.1.1.


Could you please try once again by upgrading to the latest FusionCharts XT (V 3.2.2) SR4?


If the issue still persists, then please send us the sample code to replicate the issue from our end.


Awaiting your response!


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We are not able to replicate the issue from our end even in FusionCharts V3.1.1.


Could you please try once again by upgrading to the latest FusionCharts XT (V 3.2.2) SR4?


If the issue still persists, then please send us the sample code to replicate the issue from our end.


Awaiting your response!





Upon your reqest I tried to check the same code to display the greater than sign, and it worked, but it is still having problems in displaying the less than sign. :( .


PFA the sample code that I am using.




Thank you,


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Thanks a lot. I got the solution the my problem. The problem was beacuse I have used 'isHTML=1' in the styles for CAPTION font. As soon as i removed it my xml is workign fine. :) :) :)

Edited by Pri

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Guest Sashibhusan



I am glad to hear that you have managed to resolve the issue of your own.:)

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