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On Link Clicked

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I have a drill down chart and if clicked on one chart its openning another chart for this i have prepared dataXML and execting fine but when i clcik on last chart Bars it needs to do some job realted to java

how to over ride onClick Event of drill down charts thats to only for last chart .Nothing but when i clcik on last chart it needs to call our frame work Files


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All the interactivity that happens when you click on the columns happen at client-side. However, you seem to have the need to call a server side script to execute a Java function.


Although there is no direct way to do this, you can try a work around considering you have a URL to call to achieve the same:


a) You can either call up the URL in a popup or new window or

B) You can call a JavaScript function from the link and then use AJAX to call the URL or the remote procedure.

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