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Render Chart In A Different Popup Html Page

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I need to pass the rendered chart to a popup window (preview page). Has this ever been done?

All the examples I've seen up to now only deal with the chart being generated in a div inside the html

page you are currently on.



Currently, I have a page where a user clicks a generate graph button and then the chart shows up in the div inside that page.



<div id="chartContainer"> FusionCharts will load here! </div>



But on page1.html, I want to also add a preview link that will open a new html page & display the chart in that new popup html page.


Any help would be appreciated.


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The easiest way is to create an template HTML or webpage for the popup. You pass your required chart type data source and other details as querstring to the page and that page should be programmed to render chart based on the inputs.


A bigger example can be found in our Management Dashboard where "More charts" links open charts in popus. Although the charts shown are a bit different, but the underlying concept remains same.

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