
Text Orientation In Multi Pie Chart

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Is there a way to have change the orientation of the text in a multi-level pie chart? When there are too many options the text tends to overlap with the version designed using Fusion Charts. I would like to be able to have the text as it is displayed in the below wheel



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It is not possible to change the orientation of text displayed in a Multi Level Pie chart.:(



Thanks for the response. Is there any other solution? Could a line break be added so that products that have multiple words are displayed in multiple lines? I am really struggling here. Can a developer not add to the component to allow either of these options?

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Thanks for the response. Is there any other solution? Could a line break be added so that products that have multiple words are displayed in multiple lines? I am really struggling here. Can a developer not add to the component to allow either of these options?


Please try using line-breaks explicitly using {br} in your labels to display it in multiple lines.


<category ... label='CEO{br}Age : 30{br}Lives in : India >


However, this would not change the orientation of the labels as you intend to achieve but break it into multiple lines within the same box.


Hope this helps. :)

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Guest Sumedh

Hello Krishna,


{br} pseudo code is working fine my end. I have tested the same using FusionCharts XT v3.3.1 Service Release 3 version files.


Please find attached screen-shot and chart XML for your reference.


What FusionCharts version did you use? Try using the latest version i.e., FusionCharts XT v3.3.1 Service Release 3 files.


You can get the latest (trial) version from here:






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Apologies for the delayed fix here.


For the previous post , we had suggested {br} tag to be applied between labels to break into two lines, which worked in that case.


We have already logged it. However, if you have any other visualisation  suggestion for such a scenario please do share the same.



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