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Generate Image (Jpg) Of Gannt Chart On Server Side

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we have a page which displays around 50 Gantt charts all packed with lots of data. We want to reduce the load time of the page and to enable the user to save the page as pdf.

To do this we would like to convert the fusion charts into images on the server and then just display the images on the html sites in the browser.


Is there any way of doing this ? FCImg doesn't seem to work since it requires the chart to be drawn by java script which is not supprted by gantt (which is a shame btw.).


We use linux/mysql/php and a maybe 1 year old paid version of fusion charts and widgets. Any hints are appreciated.





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Guest Sashibhusan



If it is feasible for you to use .NET for your application, we can suggest ".NET Image Saver Assembly", which will export Flash chart's image at server without rendering at the browser.


Please note that our developers have created this Server-side Image Saver Assembly that allows exporting charts as images without rendering it in the browser which works only on a .Net framework on Windows OS.


This is an internal implementation, which is not included and/or associated with the FusionCharts pack.


If you are interested to try this "Image Saver Assembly", drop us a mail requesting for this assembly at <[email protected]>.


Hope this helps!

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Guest Sashibhusan

Yep, I agree with what said above, if you are capable of using .NET to across your organization, you can choose to create image in Visual .NET application, it's easy to do with the comprehensive image creation methods.


Hi Bessemer,


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum.


Thank you for your more inputs on this. :)

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