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animating the displayed value instead of showing it immediately

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Here is my scenario:


I want to display the real time value of a parameter (let's say like a CPU meter).


I will send 10 readings every 10 seconds to the Real-time Line chart.




My problem is when the chart receives the 10 values, it plots all of them immediately.


I want them to get displayed slowly in exactly 10 seconds so that the animation is smooth.




is that possible?




another question, I know that Fusion Gadgets is made in Flash 8 and AS 2.


Is it possible to use it in my Flash 9 movie?? I just want it to set there in the flash movie doing all its work (reading and displaying data from xml files) I.e. no interaction at all with other parts of the movie.

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I'm afraid you cannot animate individual value when sent as a set of values. Only option would be to send 1 value at a time.

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