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Pie Chart cannot set pie radius when using javascript renderer

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I'm using FusionCharts 3.2.1.

I'm rendering a Pie Chart by setting renderer : 'javascript'. Everything works well by I cannot find a way to resize pie radius. I tried setting 'pieRadius' attribute or 'size' attribute, but nothing works.

For javascript rendering FusionCharts 3.2.1 loads Highcharts JS v2.2.4.

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Guest Sumedh



You can try using latest version of FusionCharts XT i.e., FusionCharts XT v3.3.1 Service Release 2 version.


This is the latest version and it has many improvements and bug fixes.


To resize chart dynamically, you can set chart's width and height in FusionCharts constructor while creating a reference.


Ref. Code:

var myChart = new FusionCharts("Pie2D","myChartId","100%","100%","0","1");


As chart resizes itself according to the container.


And if you want to resize the chart explicitly, then you can use resizeTo function.


For more information, please refer the following links:


Hope this helps!

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Thank you for your response but that isn't a correct solution. The function resizeTo resizes the whole div and that wasn't my intention... so I looked in the whole FusionCharts library and it seems the pie size value is hardcoded (when rendering with javascript) to 80% . That's a shame because 80% it's too much, especially when you have at least 5 labels. You can see the chart very well but no labels. 


Well, that's it for today...

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Guest Sumedh



Apologies for the miscommunication.


Can you please provide a screen-shot of your issue?

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