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data gets loaded on change of the display value

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I have a webpage with mutiple views. When i enter the view where the gantt chart is displayed  i have the dataloaded, drawcomplete, resized events triggerd. However this happens every time the display setting of the view changes. If i put display:none from the developer tools the 3 events get triggered, and then again when i put display:block. I think this is redundant and takes a lot of time. Can someone tell me how can i skip the triggering of these events?


Thank you.

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Guest Sashibhusan



It seems in your application, while the view changes, the chart is taking the new dimension based on the new view and it re-sizes.


While re-sizing the chart, it loads the data and re-draw the chart. So all the events dataloaded, drawcomplete, resized will trigger again.


For more information on "FusionCharts JavaScript API - Events", please visit the link:


Hope I am able to clarify myself.

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Hi, thank you for your reply. I checked the documentation. The trouble seems to be with the dojo integration. If i write the chart from outside the dojo code it will work with constant width. If i call the fusion charts from inside the dojo sequence tha chart will need a resize, which i don't want. If you have some sugestions with the integrations would be great. Thank you

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