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How to add HTML table as tooltip text

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As custom tooltip text, I'm trying to add a html table with two columns, where the second column is right aligned. Please guide us how to implement the same, as we could not get the desired result even after adding isHTML="1" and adding the html tags similar to how we implement <b> (<b>) in the tooltext. Please find attached image for the desired output.


Thanks in advance for the support!



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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please try once by providing the equivalent HTML encoded string of your HTML table as toolText and render the chart in JavaScript mode?


Ref. encoded Code in XML data:

<set label='xxx' value='550000' toolText='<table width="300">
	<td>All Other Comp</td><td align="right">$68,806</td>
	<td>Perf-Based Equity</td><td align="right">$11,888,535</td>
	<td>Time-Based Stock</td><td align="right">$11,992,365</td>
	<td>Time-Based Options</td><td align="right">$288,260</td>
	<td>Salary & Bonus</td><td align="right">$7,398,210</td>
	</table>' />

Please note that the above suggestion will only work in JavaScript mode of rendering the chart.


Hope this helps!

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Hi, Thanks for the response!


I tried adding the same tooltext provided in the comment but it still didn't solve the issue. Now everything is coming in one straight line. Please find the image attached, of tooltip after adding the table code.


Also, we are rendering the chart in Javascript mode only.


Please suggest.


Thanks for the help!


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Guest Sashibhusan



Could you please try once by upgrading to the latest FusionCharts XT v3.3.1sr3 version?


Please find the screen shot of the sample StackedColumn2D chart with the custom toolText, for your reference.


Hope this helps!


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