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Trendpoints not displaying correctly when lowerlimit of widget is greater than zero

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Hi, please find my XML and chart below. The trendpoint line is displaying in the correct place, however the point value itself isn't. Any ideas?


I believe it might have to do with the charts lowerlimit not being equal to zero as when I change it to zero, it shows correctly. However, I need the scale to have a different lowerlimit than zero:

<chart manageresize='1' showValues='1' baseFontColor='635245' baseFontSize='10' bgAlpha='100' paletteThemeColor='c4ba7d' showborder='1' upperlimit='100' lowerlimit='20' charttopmargin='20' chartbottommargin='10' chartleftmargin='40' chartrightmargin='40' ticksbelowgauge='1' showgaugelabels='1' pointerontop='1' pointerradius='20' adjustTM='0' majorTMNumber='11' minorTMNumber='2' tickValueDecimals='1' tickValueStep='2' numbersuffix=' %' lowerLimitDisplay='20' upperLimitDisplay='100' pointerBgColor='e17000' showTickValues='1' showTickMarks='1' showLimits='1' majorTMHeight='20' minorTMHeight='14' valuePadding='0' plotSpacePercent='100' majorTMColor='635245' minorTMColor='635245' pointerBorderThickness='3' pointerBorderColor='635245' >
<color minvalue='20' maxvalue='25' code='7ab800' label='Normal' />
<color minvalue='25' maxvalue='50' code='7ab800' label='Normal' />
<color minvalue='50' maxvalue='75' code='f0ab00' label='Borderline High' />
<color minvalue='75' maxvalue='100' code='d52b1e' label='High' />
<point startValue='25' showOnTop='1' color='333333' />
<pointer fontsize='15' showValue='1' value='50' toolText='50' />

Your help is much appreciated!





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We are unable to replicate the issue with the latest version files.


Please find attached screen shot of the chart rendered.


We recommend you to please upgrade to the latest version.


Hope this helps!


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