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yAxisMinValue is not considered

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I am trying to set yAxisMinValue on the table but it is not being applied. I attached a screenshot. Any idea how to fix this?


Thank you,



Edited by iulian

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Hi Lulian,


Have you set the yAxisMinValue attribute as a negative value?


For example: <chart yAxisMinValue='-1500000'>

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No, it is still not working.


More details:


Y max value goes up to 60M. Y min value goes down to -10K. Now the problem is that minimum value displayed on the Y axis is -15M, and this makes the -10K value look very small, barely visible. If I set the value to -100K, it is not considered. If I set it to -1M, then it is considered but the number of divisional lines is less and my -10K is still barely visible.


Let me know if I can add any more information.


Thank you.



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Hi Swarnam,


Thanks for looking closely into this issue. Please find the JSON data attached. I am using a Multi-series 2D Single Y chart. Let me know if I can provide any other information which may be useful for debugging.


Note that the JSON is generated dynamically in the backend based on DB data.


Thank you.



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Hi Swarnam,


Let me know if you need me to provide any other information. If you could provide me with the not-minified version of FusionCharts source code, I could implement this feature and commit it in your repositories so it will be available with your next release.



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Swarnam, thank you for the reply. Unfortunately this does not work. I want the yaxisminvalue to be -50000 (-50K)and the y axis to be scaled properly. In this case, the solution would be to have 5 div lines for negative values (because we have 5 div lines for positive values). Which means the negative value, which is -30000 (-30K) in my case, will be visible. In your attached example, as in mine, the visible part of the negative is only 1-2 mm and it is very easy to miss.


If needed we can take the discussion outside the forums and provide test cases and even show you a demo of what I want.


I am looking forward to your reply.




Edited by iulian

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