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Export chart to image and chart animation lag.

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Hello. I have two questions.

I have to send a chart via email to the users. The charts will be dynamically constructed by a script, and won't be rendered. Is there any way to export a chart to image file? Or it has any better way to do that?

Also, my dashboard page has various charts and the gauge widget. The animation of the charts is very lagged and in sometimes can't even be seen. Is there any way to 'control' the order the charts will be rendered? I'm using setTimeOut from JS, but is not the better solution...



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For charts to be exported as images, it needs to be rendered first. Natively, it is not possible to export without rendering. But you can try out a third party namely PhantomJS that might server your requirement. Please refer:


For the dashboard issue, currently we suggest you to use the setTimeOut from JS as there isn't any better solution for it.


Hope the information is helpful.



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