
Different font Colors for Data Values

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I'm looking to have different font colors for data values on a column2D chart .. as described in

I can not get the syntax of the font attribute to work using XML .. per the example 


<chart caption="Scale in Points" subcaption="Pointers for 2012" canvasbgcolor="808080" divlinealpha="0" palette="3" yaxisname="Souls">
<set label="Label 1" displayValue="<font style="color:00008B;"">1.0<font>"  value="1.0" />
<set label="Label 2" displayValue="<font style="color:FFFFFF;"">2.0<font>" value="2.0" />
<set label="Label 3" displayValue="<font style="color:000000;"">3.0<font>" value="3.0" />
<set label="Label 4" displayValue="<font style="color:FF008B;"">4.0<font>"  value="4.0" />

Can any member help me ? this is exactly what I need to do but I can not get the XML correct .. i believe it has to do with the use of double " in the XML.  I can programatically set the display value attribute based on the value .. but i can't get the syntax to work

I know I can use annotations, but that solution is way more complex than getting the above to work 

Any help would be appreciated.  Thank You 

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Hope you are doing well.

As stated earlier valueFontColor attribute could be placed only at the chart level which would be generic for all the data plot values present inside the chart, the above workaround could be only possible with annotations as of now.

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There was a workaround to that described in the post I referenced to .. why not attempt to help me with the syntax of that instead of constantly referring to annotations ?? some help "out side of the box" would be helpful here

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Font related styles can no longer be inherited in charts from external sources in the displayValue attribute, so the requirement could not be achievable natively as of now.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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