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Real time angular charts and alerts

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I am setting up a real-time angular chart to refresh its data every 5 minutes.  The upper limit of the chart is initially 1000.  If the real-time update gets a value greater than 1000, then I want an alert so I can regenerate the chart with a new upper limit.

If I set up an alert with a minValue of 1000, then I never get the alert.  The values are just quietly discarded.

If I set up an alert with a minValue of, say, 900, then I get the alerts when the value is equal to 900 or greater, but there does not seem to be any way to find out what the value received by the chart actually was without regenerating the request to the server from Javascript. This may be a very expensive operation.

Any suggestions for how to handle this situation?  In summary, I need to know when the real time data being received by the chart exceeds the charts upper limit so that I can regenerate the chart with a new upper limit.

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