
Rendering Multiple Charts on page - only one shows up

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Hi!  I'm new to FusionCharts and can't seem to find any information on this subject.  I have a web page that I need to render up to 30 small charts on.  I have the code working, but it will only render the first chart.  It doesn't matter which chart I try to load up first, the next charts do not load.  Is there a way to render multiple charts on a single page?  My code is below.  ChartName, ExportFileName, ChartType, and DivToAddTo are all strings passed in by each chart method that I am loading.  I have verified that I am passing in a different div name each time.  I also pass in a data set called mainData that I loop through to build the bar string.  This is all done in in the code behind of my page. 


            Dim sbXml As New System.Text.StringBuilder
            sbXml.Append("<chart  caption='" & chartName & "' " &
                             " canvasBorderColor='#ABADB3' " &
                             " canvasBorderThickness='1' " &
                             " xaxisname='' " &
                             " showvalues='1' " &
                             " animation='1' " &
                             " yaxisname='' " &
                             " showBorder='0' " &
                             " bgColor='#ffffff' " &
                             " chartLeftMargin='10' " &
                             " chartTopMargin='10' chartRightMargin='25'  " &
                             " chartBottomMargin='20' " &
                             " toolTipBorderColor='#ABADB3' " &
                             " zeroPlaneColor='#f9f9f9' " &
                             " zeroPlaneThickness='1'   " &
                             " showAlternateHGridColor='1' " &
                             " forceXAxisValueDecimals='1' " &
                             " forceYAxisValueDecimals='1' " &
                             " forceDecimals='1' " &
                             " showPlotBorder='0'   " &
                             " usePlotGradientColor='0' " &
                             " plotHoverEffect='1'   plotFillAlpha='100'    " &
                             " showShadow ='0' " &
                             " labelDisplay='wrap' " &
                             " numdivlines='5' " &
                             " exportFileName='" & exportFileName & "' exportEnabled ='1'  exportAtClient ='0' exportAction ='save'  exportShowMenuItem='0' " &
                             " exportHandler ='" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("FusionChartsURL") & "'" &
                             " placevaluesInside='1' rotateValues='0' valueFontSize='11'" &
                             " valueFontBold='0' " &
                             " valueFontColor='#ffffff'  " &
                             " decimals='1' showLegend='1' legendBgColor='#FFFFFF' legendShadow='0' legendBorderColor='#FFFFFF' paletteColors='#5A3588,##ff9e1b,#ff9e1b'>")
                For Each item As ContractValue In mainData

                    Dim toolText As String 'set equal to name and value

                    toolText = item.Name & " - " & item.Value

                    'add category
                    categoryString.Append("<category label ='" & item.Name & "' />")

                    Dim value As Double = 0

                        value = item.Value
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        'No error, set to blank
                    End Try

                    bar1String.Append("<set value='" & If(value <> 0, value.ToString, String.Empty) & "' color='#ff9e1b' tooltext='" & toolText & "'/>")

                sbXml.Append("<dataset  seriesname='My Average'>")


                Dim fusionChart As New Chart(chartType, divToAddTo, "600", "280", "xml", sbXml.ToString)
                Dim sRenderedChart As String = fusionChart.Render()
                Dim sStartScriptTag As String = "<script type=""text/javascript"">"
                Dim sEndScriptTag As String = "</script>"
                Dim sJsCode As String = sRenderedChart.Substring(sRenderedChart.IndexOf(sStartScriptTag) + sStartScriptTag.Length, sRenderedChart.IndexOf(sEndScriptTag) - sRenderedChart.IndexOf(sStartScriptTag) - sStartScriptTag.Length) & ";"
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, Me.GetType, "JSCode", sJsCode, True)


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We were able to get this figured out.  We just had to build the sjsCode as a global variable and add to it for every chart, then call the ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript once after all of the charts were rendered.  

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