
Excel export

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I'm trying to setup server side export and I havo trouble with XLSX and CSV export. Response I get &DOMId=&height=0&width=0&fileName=&statusMessage= Export Resource not found.&statusCode=0.

FCExport requires IMAGE-DATA2XLSX file. How can i fix this problem?

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I don't think so that it depends on type, because it repeats on different types.

But type - pie2d, stackedbar2d, scrollcolumn2d. Version - 3.15.1

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Also I have question if I set export mode to save-download, can I make that png files will be only saved on server and not downloaded to user

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5 minutes ago, Ayan Bhadury said:

Please check the demo -

$dataSource['chart']['exportHandler'] = ChartsHostUrl . 'ExportHandlers/PHP/3.15.1/ServerFCExporter.php';

Your demo doesn't include private handler.

Complete list of parameters:

$dataSource['chart']['exportHandler']       = ChartsHostUrl . 'ExportHandlers/PHP/3.15.1/ServerFCExporter.php';
$dataSource['chart']['exportEnabled']       = '1';
$dataSource['chart']['exportAtClient']      = '1';
$dataSource['chart']['exportTargetWindow']  = '_blank';
$dataSource['chart']['exportMode']          = 'client';
$dataSource['chart']['exportAction']        = 'save';

All image export and PDF works, but CSV and EXCEL fails because of required stream type IMAGE-DATA

Edited by Vitas

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It will be saved to the location you have specified, if you could restrict the download to the user you can implement that at your end. FusionCharts natively does not provide the option.

3 minutes ago, Vitas said:

Also I have question if I set export mode to save-download, can I make that png files will be only saved on server and not downloaded to user


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36 minutes ago, Vitas said:

$dataSource['chart']['exportHandler'] = ChartsHostUrl . 'ExportHandlers/PHP/3.15.1/ServerFCExporter.php';

Your demo doesn't include private handler.

Complete list of parameters:

$dataSource['chart']['exportHandler']       = ChartsHostUrl . 'ExportHandlers/PHP/3.15.1/ServerFCExporter.php';
$dataSource['chart']['exportEnabled']       = '1';
$dataSource['chart']['exportAtClient']      = '1';
$dataSource['chart']['exportTargetWindow']  = '_blank';
$dataSource['chart']['exportMode']          = 'client';
$dataSource['chart']['exportAction']        = 'save';

All image export and PDF works, but CSV and EXCEL fails because of required stream type IMAGE-DATA

Here is a PHP implementation -
Live link -

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