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JavaScipt Error: EXPECTED ')' CODE: 0...Whats The Cause?

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I have a FusionWidget Angular Gauge, I call it up in the code behind the same exact way I do for some of my Fusion Charts. The code below works and the gauge appears on the screen, however, internet explore still shows the little error icon in the bottom left corner of the web browser:

Line 1

Char 49

Error Expected ')'

Code: 0

I can't seem to figure out whats causing this so maybe someone can look at the relevent code and help:

private void MedianChartDefault()
//xmlData will be used to store the entire XML document generatedStringBuilder
StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder();
//Generate the chart element
xmlData.Append("<chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' lowerLimitDisplay='OVER' upperLimitDisplay='UNDER' gaugeStartAngle='180' gaugeEndAngle='0' palette='1' numberSuffix='%25' tickValueDistance='20' showValue='1'>");
xmlData.Append("<color minValue='0' maxValue='50' code='FF654F'/>");
xmlData.Append("<color minValue='50' maxValue='90' code='F6BD0F'/>");
xmlData.Append("<color minValue='90' maxValue='100' code='8BBA00'/>");
xmlData.Append("<dial value='50' rearExtension='10'/>");
//outPut will store the HTML of the chart rendered as string
//when an ajax call is made we use RenderChartHTML methodstring
string outPut6 = "";
outPut6 = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("../../FusionCharts/AngularGauge.swf", "", xmlData.ToString(), "MedianHitGauge", "330", "200", false, false);
//Clear panel which will contain the chart
//Add Litaral control to Panel which adds the chart from outPut string
Panel6.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(outPut6));

I hope someone knows the answer. I've been working on it for going on 3 hours now and to no avail.

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