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Dynamically change xml properties

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Hi,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Can someone please advise me on how I can change the XML properties dynamically. I am currently getting the data from a datatable and I have fixed properties in the XML for how the chart looks. So basically I want the user to be able to change the properties which will change the XML.



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Can someone please advise me on how I can change the XML properties dynamically. I am currently getting the data from a datatable and I have fixed properties in the XML for how the chart looks. So basically I want the user to be able to change the properties which will change the XML.










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Yes, it is possible to change various settings and properties of an existing chart. You can dynamically update chart's root properties also known as "chart attributes" which are passed through <chart> element in chart XML data on-the-fly. API allows you to update selective properties, internally, FusionCharts XT re-draws the entire chart.


You need to use setChartAttribute() function to set a chart attribute. All you need to do is pass the name of the attribute and its new value to this function.


Please read more at:


Sample Demo Link:


Hope this helps.

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