
Trend Zones

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Is is possible to create a trend zone that begins at the chart bottom and ends at a specified y position? I am using setAdaptiveYMin, so I do not know ahead of time what my yAxisMinValue is.

I have tried:

<line startValue='$chartStartY' endValue='5<%=prevy%>' color='FF0000' alpha='5' isTrendZone='1'>

It appears that $chartStartY can only be used in style macros?

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Hi, was there any progress on this issue? Or could you please help me with following problem:




I have to have chart plot area divided into 3 zones. I've tried to use trend zones however if some of that zones goes out of ymin or ymax then it is not visible. Since Y-axes is autoscaled I have no chance to set trend zones to proper startValue and endValue.




Thank you in advance,



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I've tried to add for the first time Trendline zones on our graphs, and discovered that if you set values outside of the charted values, zones are not shown.


Current implementation is quite useless if one uses adaptive charts and can't find out the min and max value of the chart itself.




Is there any progress on this?

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Guest Rajroop

Could you please try dynamically calculating the data limits of your chart when the user submits the data input?




Thereby, you will be able to set the attributes in the chart of your choice. :)

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Well, if you set the endValue to the highest data point, the margin above the point is still white and it looks really lame. Also, if the highest point doesn't cross the endValue but the margin does, the trend area will not show up in the margin above your data point. I like fusion charts and I'm a paying customer, but this is kind of silly. How hard could it be to set the default endValue to the actual top or bottom of the chart? It's been almost 3 years since this was put on the wish list.

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Guest Rajroop


I apologize for any inconvenience caused from our end. Could you please explain what you meant by: "It's been almost 3 years since this was put on the wish list."? I was not able to understand which feature you are referring to.

Could you please share a snapshot of this issue? This will help in getting a clearer idea of what you are taking about.

Looking forward to your reply. :)

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