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slant lable name

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  I want to show the slant listname. Please help me for this code  

<ui:composition xmlns=""







<f:view contentType="type/xml">

<graph palette="2" caption="Recent 5 List Stats" decimalPrecision="0" shownames="1" showvalues="1" limitsDecimalPrecision='0' bgColor="EEF0E3" showAlternateHGridColor="1" alternateHGridColor="EBEDE1" divlinecolor="C4C5BD">


<ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="listname">

<category name='#{listname[0]}'/>



<dataset seriesName="Total" color="AFD8F8" showValues="1">

<ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="ucount">

<set value='#{ucount[1]}'/>



<dataset seriesName="Active" color="F6BD0F" showValues="1">

<ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="acount">

<set value='#{acount[2]}'/>



<dataset seriesName="Removals" color="8BBA00" showValues="1">

<ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="aunsubcount">

<set value='#{aunsubcount[3]}'/>



<dataset seriesName="Unsubscribes" color="CC3300" showValues="1">

<ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="uunsubcount">

<set value='#{uunsubcount[4]}'/>



<dataset seriesName="Supress" color="EEF0E3" showValues="1">

<ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="supcount">

<set value='#{supcount[5]}'/>






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when I use those attribute, it does not work.

I am using column3D bar chart ...  this is the part of code which i am using

<graph palette="2" caption="Recent 5 List Stats" decimalPrecision="0" shownames="1" showvalues="1" limitsDecimalPrecision='0' bgColor="EEF0E3" showAlternateHGridColor="1" alternateHGridColor="EBEDE1" divlinecolor="C4C5BD">


<ui:repeat value="#{dashboard.listStats}" var="listname"> //facelet tag

<category name='#{listname[0]}'/>  // dynamic values



pls tell me any other than way to for slant label .




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Are you using vFREE chart or FusionCharts v3 charts?

I find that you are using <graph> element. This is standard for vFREE chart though backward compatible in v3 chart too. For v3 charts we recommend to use <chart>. In any case, Slant labels are supported in v3 chart and in case you are using vFREE charts, you can only rotate the labels but can not slant them.

To rotate labels in you would need to do>

* For vFREE -

<graph rotateNames='1' ...>

* For v3 -

<chart labelDisplay='ROTATE' ...>


<graph labelDisplay='ROTATE' ...>


* Not Supported in vFREE charts

* For v3 Charts

<chart labelDisplay='ROTATE' slantLabels='1' ...> 


 <graph labelDisplay='ROTATE' slantLabels='1' ...> 

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