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dear team,

  Following is the XML i am using for angular gague, please tell me the procedure to add labels to the raange i have give or to the points.



retXML =

"<chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='24' gaugeStartAngle='180' gaugeEndAngle='0' palette='1' numberSuffix='Hrs' tickValueDistance='6' showValue='1' decimals='0' editMode='1'>";

retXML = retXML +

"<set label='12AM - 6AM' />";

retXML = retXML +

"<set label='6AM - 12AM' />";

retXML = retXML +

"<set label='12AM - 18AM' />";

retXML = retXML +

"<set label='18AM - 24AM' />";

retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +

"<color minValue='0' maxValue='6' label='6AM' code='FF654F'/>";

retXML = retXML +

"<color minValue='6' maxValue='12' label='12PM' code='F6BD0F'/>";

retXML = retXML +

"<color minValue='12' maxValue='18' label='6PM' code='8BBA00'/>";

retXML = retXML +

"<color minValue='18' maxValue='24' label='12AM' code='8BBA00'/>";

retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +

"<dial id='CS' value='24' rearExtension='10'/>";

retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +

"<style type='font' name='myValueFont' bgColor='F1f1f1' borderColor='999999' />";

retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +

"<apply toObject='Value' styles='myValueFont' />";

retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +


retXML = retXML +


return retXML;

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