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Greek Character in FCDataSet series name?

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Tried adding a greek character using unicode for the FCDataSet object but other ascii characters show up instead.




	FCDataSet datasetCompositeEROVLower = new FCDataSet()

		.withSeriesName("+3σ (EROV Lower Limit)").withColor(16711680)





Is there something else that I need to be setting?





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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


FusionCharts allows you to use multi-lingual (UTF-8) characters on the charts.

To use multi-lingual characters on the chart, you necessarily need to use UTF-8 encoded XML. More importantly, the XML file/stream does require a BOM stamp to be present as the very first 3 Bytes of the file. Hence, one must remember the two basic thumb rules :

  1. for dataURL method - the XML file/stream should be having the BOM stamp and
  2. for dataXML method - the HTML/application file containing the XML as well as the chart SWF should have the BOM stamp.

Please refer to the link below for further details on the same:-


Hope this helps. :)

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