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Brian Maring

License not working

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I have the full developer package and have made maps work before without the Evaluation tag appearing in the top left hand corner. However, it does appear for this map.




Is there some sort of problem?








<? include("FusionMaps.php"); ?>













$strXML = "";




$strXML .= "";


$strXML .= "";


$strXML .= "";


$strXML .= "";


$strXML .= "";




$strXML .= "";


















@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");




$query="SELECT DISTINCT state FROM `entries` WHERE year = 2009 AND time != '' ORDER BY state";




$num = mysql_num_rows($result);








while ($i < $num) {






$query2="SELECT * FROM `entries` WHERE year = 2009 AND time != '' AND state='" . $state. "'";




$num2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);




$strXML .= "";


















echo renderMap("FCMap_USA.swf","","$strXML","firstMap", 650, 450,0,0);




echo $strXML;





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