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FusionChart in Sharepoint and Width issue

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We have created a control which encapsulates the FusionChart as a Sharepoint WebPart, but have run into an issue in IE due to, what I believe from reading this forum, the Width property. Currently the width is set to 100% so it will occupy the entire width of the space configured for the control.




As I have read, 100% can be invalid (although appears to work on Firefox) and a fixed width chart is not optimal for SharePoint.




Occasionally, when multiple Sharepoint parts are on a page, one or more of the parts render garbled.




The code to render is as follows and in the attached screen shot, was used to render both charts.




bool debug = FusionChartController._Run.ConfigData.Debug;


Output = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML(swf, "", xml, ChartID, "100%", "220", debug, false, true,"#000000", "noscale","EN");






divFusionChart.InnerHtml = Output;




Any solution to this issue?


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Guest Rajroop

Hello again Mark,


We proudly announce the release of FusionCharts for SharePoint in beta. FusionCharts for SharePoint helps you create interactive & data-driven charts in SharePoint, without having to write a line of code. The charts are created using a wizard and can connect to various data sources such as SharePoint Lists, CSV, MS SQL, Oracle, Excel & BDC. You can add drill-down and export capabilities to each chart and configure both cosmetic and functional aspects.



You can download the fully-functional version from - we would love to have your feedback on this.


Please post your suggestions and any bugs as replies to the forum thread at:

FusionCharts for SharePoint beta impression

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