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How to save the fusionCharts autumatically using the "save as png"?

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Hello all!

I builder a web page that includes 5 fusionchart's flashs and the web page can fresh them using the realtime data.

And I need save these flash  as picture into a folder at 00:00 am every day . every fusionchart need be saved a picture under the same flolder. And I think the name of every chart can be defined in it's xml file of fusionchart. That is like a cron task under linux. I don't have to click the mouse to select "save as  png" and wait the downloading progress. 

I read the FusionChart documents and find the chart' batch saving fuction still can not realize this task.

So I find this work is more difficult than Jfreechart when I use fusionCharts. Jfreechart is a picture tool in java .

Does everyone know how to solve this problem?

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