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Calling exportChart receive prompt

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The images are saving correctly. However when my finishExport is called I get a prompt saying that IE has blocked this site from downloading file. If i just execute the url being generated in finalizeExport I do not have that problem. I also do not have this problem if my report does not have any charts to process. I have even went so far as to comment out the code in FCExporter.aspx and just returned a hard coded success status and I still get the same thing. When chartObject.exportChart() is called is that synchronous? I am out of ideas. Why would it be giving me that prompt?




If I add the site to my trusted sites and enable automatic prompting for file downloads, I do not have this problem. However, this that not an ideal situation




my javascript looks like this:




function exportFile(type){


if(getElement("reportOuter") == null){


alert("Please search before attempting to export.");








var chartObject;


var arrChartIDs = new Array();


arrCharIDs = document.getElementsByName("hidChartID");




for(var i = 0; i < arrCharIDs.length; i++){


chartObject = getChartFromId(arrCharIDs.value);


if( chartObject.hasRendered() ) chartObject.exportChart();




chartCtr = 0;


totalcharts = arrCharIDs.length;


exporttype = type;




if(totalcharts == 0){










function FC_Exported(chart){


if (chart.statusCode=="1"){


chartCtr = chartCtr + 1;




alert("The chart could not be saved on server. There was an error. Description : " + chart.statusMessage);




if(chartCtr == totalcharts){














function finalizeExport(id){




OpenWindow(parentURL + "/report.aspx?id=" + id + "&sessionid=" + getElement('sessionguid').value + "&export=" + exporttype + "&filterdataid=" + getElement("tempResults").innerHTML + "&visualgroups=" + serializeTable(dtVisualGroups));





Edited by Guest

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