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Fusionchart for dreamweaver and FusionWidgets

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First post.... so be nice :-).




I have Fusionchart for dreamweaver, simply because I do not really know how to code. The question now is...... can I use fusionchart to create the xml required for the FustionWidgets.




There are some nice widgets, especially the real time updating etc, that I like to use. If I can use the code generated by fusionchart for dreamweaver and replace the, lets say the swf file to show the widget that would nice.




Does that make sense?




Please advice if I can do something like this.





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Guest Rajroop

Hey there,




Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum! :)




I'm afraid to have to be the bearer of bad news, but, unfortunately this not possible i.e. using the FusionCharts for Dreamweaver for the Widgets. The interfaces connect with Dreamweaver through an API and make changes in the /includes folder. So the XMLs are product specific.




I have made a note of your suggestion and thank you for the same.




Have a good day. :)

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