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How to update multiple drilldown frames from one chart click?

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I have multiple frames which include charts. When I click on one, I can easly update a signle frame with another chart.

My objective is to update multiple charts from click on one chart. I am using PHP /Class to construct my chart and data set. Currently my link looks something like this:

$FC->addChartData($row['Total_Qty'], "link=F-otdDd-frame_ddpage.php?period=$periods");

How do I update multiple frames from the same click?

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Steve,

FusionCharts allows to open one link in specified frames at one click.

In case you wish to update multiple frames at one click, you need to use the javascript drill-down functionality for the same.

Please refer to the steps mentioned below to update multiple charts from click on one chart:-

1) Use the link attribute in the <set> element of the parent chart using j-{user function name}-{parameter} notation.

Ref.- <set label='USA' value='235' link="j-updateFrames()" />

Please refer to the link below for further details on the same:-


2) Try using native javascript codes to update multiple links with on click on the parent chart.


Ref.-  function updateFrames()





3) Try calling the javascript function in the "link" attrbute of the <set> element of the parent chart to update multiple frames at one click.

I hope this helps. :)


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