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Bold Only The Stackedcolumn3D Showsum Values

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How can I bold (Or rather apply style) to SumValue of stackedColumn3D?

Also is there a way to define minimum height for stack? Look at the image if the stack value difference are huge it over laps the value text.

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How can I bold (Or rather apply style) to SumValue of stackedColumn3D?



It is not possible make sumValue attribute BOLD. If you apply style features, it would be applied to all DataValues.


For the minimum stack height, there are few options


1) Increase the chart width and height size.

2) Avoid displaying the overlapping values.

3) Set the chart attributes

<chart ....... adjustDiv='0' yAxisMinValue='600' numDivLines='10' >


Hope this helps you..

Edited by Radis

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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Thank you very much for your valuable feedback.


To avoid overlapping values, we can also use <rotateValues="1"> attribute inside the <chart> element.


Hope this

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Thanks Angie but rotateValues="1" or rotateLables="1" doesnt cut the meat :( . Well using \n Line character did the trick for x-axis Label multiple lines..

Can you please answer other question about minimum Height for stackedColumn graph so that the datavalues are atleast readble when the difference is tooooo big... :)

Edited by Chetan

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Guest Angie



FusionCharts does not support defining minimum stack height, at this time.


The only way to do this is to increase the chart width and height size.


We have taken a note of your request here and added the same in our wishlist.


Hope you have a great day!

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