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Using Fusionwidgets In

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Hi, I have a bit of an issue when trying to use FusionWidgets.

Some time ago I built for my company a library that includes the Fusion Charts and some classes to have controls representing the charts, and I also used the FusionCharts.cs helper class provided with FusionCharts version 3.1.

That worked great and I've had no problems at all.


Now I needed to also use some Widgets in the application and I decided to add the widgets to my fusion charts class and use the same mechanism. Except the widgets do not work the same way.


So my questions are:

- First of all, no Csharp class is provided with the widgets. Why is that?

- I know that the widgets only accept XML data and I am trying to use that by calling setXMLUrl or setXMLData. Would this work?

- is the FusionCharts.js javascript file provided with the widgets the same as the one provided with the charts?

- Why is there no ASP.NET example for the Fusion Widgets?

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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Please note that FusionWidgets follows the same coding mechanism as FusionCharts except the swf files which you would need to render charts.


Please visit and go through "Guide For Web Developers" section.


Hope this

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