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About cruzbruno

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  1. I'm getting the same problem, hope it gets fixed soon. Thanks
  2. Generate Svg String

    Thanks for the reply Swarnam, It doesn't work, but as I won't be able to use this solution to both javascript and flash charts I'm working on use myChart.exportChart() and dealing with the data at the server side. Doing so I came through another problem, the SVG string is malformed and basik API cannot parse it. visibility="" isn't the proper way to go on. I've already seen the same problem at the forum, hope it gets fixed soon. By now I'll just remove it from the SVG string. Is there any problem on exporting chart?? Browse or chart type related.
  3. Generate Svg String

    Hi, I'm currently using Fusioncharts 3.2.3-sr1.5347 version. All I need is to get the SVG String from both flash and javascript rendered chart. Is it possible? How to? The follow syntax worked for javascrit charts. Is it the proper way to go? my_chart_id.jsVars.hcObj.getSVG() Also, is there any known issue I should be concerned on generating SVG? Is this functionality works with all chart types? Is there a list somewhere with those that doesn't?
  4. Svg, Ajax, And The Jsvars

    Was this problem solved? How can I get the SVG string from a flash generated chart?
  5. Hi Sumedh, I've got almost the same issue here. I need to have my own button to export the file into a image file, as far as I understand it's not possible. So I'll have to customize a button that the fusionchart provides, am I right? Imagining that my user may not have the flash player installed, will fusionchart export feature work just fine? At the documentation I could see how to configure the image to be download or to be save on the disk... But it comes I need both functionalities: Click at a button and download the image to the user; Click at a button, save the image on disk, get the callback function and do something else with the image downloaded. Is there a way I can achieve this? How could I have this two interactions?
  6. printing page - map and data not showing

    Anything new on this? I've got the same problem, and still looking for a solution. Actually the problem regards in flash, not only fusion-maps ones. :hehe: