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About sjm133

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Gantt Chart - Last Category Width

    I completely missed that! I first had thought that it was actually the data that was causing it since I have data extending past 9/30 into the following FY so I forced a hard cutoff and that didn't do anything. My customer will be very happy with this fix. Thanks for the help.
  2. To me it sounds like you HTML is not locating your javascript libraries so you may not have the correct path set in your HTML. So, created a folder in your root c: called "fusioncharts". The complete path witll be "c:\fusioncharts" copy the contents of the unzipped download "js" folder to c:\fusioncharts. So in c:\fusioncharts you will see two folders, maps and themes, and 6 javascript files copy the attached HTML to the c:\fusioncharts folder in the c:\fusioncharts folder, doubleclick the file "firstchart.html" to load it into IE. You may get an "activex" or script warning since you are executing it locally. Go ahead and allow"blocked content" to run. the chart should now appear Take a look at the HTML and you can see how the javascript libraries are referenced "relative" to the html file location. Hope this helps. firstchart.html
  3. I'm using FusionCharts 3.7.1 and have successfully created a Gantt chart from my database. The chart renders fine, however, the last category column width in the chart is not proportional to all of the other columns. The image shows my categories of the government fiscal year, Oct 1 - Sep 30 of the following year. The last column, Sep 2014 is much wider than the other columns. The attached file "utilization.txt" contains my rendered code for this chart. Is there something I'm missing or need to adjust in order to get the chart categories to render evenly? Thanks. utilization.txt