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Everything posted by Nikki

  1. How To Remove Axis From Graph

    I have this: $FC->defineStyle("shadow_1","shadow", "angle=90;color=000000;alpha=100;blurX=0;blurY=0;strength=2"); $FC->defineStyle("shadow_2", "shadow", "angle=130;color=000000;alpha=100;blurX=0;blurY=0;strength=2"); $FC->applyStyle("CANVAS","shadow_1"); $FC->applyStyle("CANVAS","shadow_2"); But it does nothing from what I can see.
  2. How To Remove Axis From Graph

    How would I do this using Fusion Charts PHP? <styles> <definition> <style type="Shadow" name="Shadow_1" Angle="90" Color="000000" Alpha="100" blurX="0" blurY="0" Strength="2"/> <style type="Shadow" name="Shadow_1" Angle="130" Color="000000" Alpha="100" blurX="0" blurY="0" Strength="2"/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="CANVAS" styles="Shadow_1,Shadow_2"/> </application> </styles> AND should the second one be Shadow_2?
  3. Tick Marks On X-Axis

    Hi, I was wondering if there are any settings to put a tick/small line on the X-Axis for each data set? I'm working php if that matters. Nikki
  4. Tick Marks On X-Axis

    Well that would explain why I didn't find it in the documentation.
  5. Enabling Export Chart

    Make you sure have the Export Classes. FCExporter_IMG.php FCExporter_PDF.php FCExporter.php They are in the 3.2 upgrade when you download it. Nikki
  6. Hi, I am plotting and graphing time along the X axis. However the data is not consistent. For example I want to graph: 1985 100 1987 92 1990 103 1992 105 1994 99 1997 101 Currently it graphs 1985 to 1987 the same distance as 1994 to 1997 which is in accurate. Ideas to solve this?
  7. Working With Time Series

    Are you working with multiple series on one table? My code handles not having data at each particular date. I am creating a table at the same time and dealing with the cases of months and years. If you think it is helpful I could post it for you. Nikki