Hi everyone, i'm trying to join here FusionCharts + JSP + Extjs
My company heard about the fusioncharts and I downloaded the evaluation.
So far I managed to join fusioncharts with Extjs, but since we work with Java on out extranet
that didn't fit plenty well.
Is there a way to convert the jsp:param to a javascript funcion that is passed to extjs?
these are the code:
a example in jsp (that comes with the evaluation):
//. the jsp code here
<jsp:include page="../Includes/FusionChartsRenderer.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="chartSWF" value="../FusionCharts/StackedColumn3D.swf" />
<jsp:param name="strURL" value="" />
<jsp:param name="strXML" value="<%=strXML %>" />
<jsp:param name="chartId" value="productSales" />
<jsp:param name="chartWidth" value="700" />
<jsp:param name="chartHeight" value="300" />
<jsp:param name="debugMode" value="false" />
<jsp:param name="registerWithJS" value="false" />
<jsp:param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
and the code that I managed to include the chart into extjs:
var column3D = new Ext.ux.Chart.Fusion.Panel({
chartCfg :{ id : 'Column3D'},
autoScroll : false,
chartURL : 'js/Column3D.swf',
dataURL : 'js/Column3D.xml', //here goes the xml -- this is where the jsp param should go
bodyStyle: 'top: -19px',
width : 500,
height : 300
is there a way to do it?