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Everything posted by ConradH

  1. Hello - I am using FusionCharts Pro with PHP and recently updated my code to use the RenderChart function instead of RenderChartHTML. The charts that are generated are now each wrapped in a div that includes an inline align="center". Here is an example: <div id="chart0Div" align="center"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ........></div> This align="center" should not be there as it is preventing using straight CSS to determine how the chart appears on the page. In addition, the align attribute is deprecated and is not supported in HTML 4.01 Strict / XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD I do not want the charts to be centered and would like to override or remove this align attribute. Please let me know how I can do this. Thanks for your help!
  2. Chart And Map Object Lie Above Drop Down Menus

    When you render the chart, set the allowtransparent parameter to true. Worked for me with no other changes. Make sure the z-indexes of the chart and dropdown are set appropriately also just in case.