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Everything posted by fgpx78

  1. Thank you, it seem to have solved the problem.
  2. Thank you, the problem is that I'm still evaluating FusionCharts so I am not a registered user. That site (PUC) requires to have an account, or at least to create one with the email associated with a purhcase, how can I obtain that javascript file? Thank you
  3. I'm having the same problem. The two javascripts differs A LOT. The behaveoir is like this - if I use the Widgets FusionCharts.js javascript, I can load data in a column2d chart and an angular gauge both. - if i use the Charts FusionCharts.js it CANNOT load the angulargauge anymore. The problem is that I need the FusionCharts javascript because it contains some function ineed, like the FusionCharts.getObjectReference , to update the data of the graphs and angulargauges in realtime by javascript! How can i fix this? Otherwise, how can I create a code like the following var scoreChart = FusionCharts.getObjectReference("chartId"); scoreChart.setXMLUrl("url_to_file.xml"); var gg= FusionCharts.getObjectReference("gaugeId"); gg.setXMLUrl("url_to_file.xml"); to update a chart and a widget xml data, using the FusionCharts.js file provided with FusionWidget ? In that js file, indeed, there is no FusionCharts.getObjectReference method. I tryed using var scoreChart = FusionCharts("chartId"); but it says "Object doesn't support this property or method" Thank you