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Everything posted by errodr

  1. Error in loading data.

    I am getting an error: "Error in loading data" when I try to load a chart. This ONLY happens in IE 8. Any ideas? I have looked at the suggested fixes in this forum but still cannot get it working. Thanks...
  2. I have a chart that was created in Excel and I have been told to replicate it for the web using Fusion Charts. I am running the latest FC version. Image example attached. Y Axis: Number of Activities X Axis: Number of Predecessors OR Successors The problem is that I need 0 to be the starting point and then the predecessors goes left (with increasing number) AND the successors goes right (with increasing number). Is this chart possible in FC? I have taken a look at the stacked bar chart but cannot figure out how to get two positive X Axis. Thanks...
  3. Is this type of chart possible??

    You guys are awesome! Works beautifully!
  4. Is this type of chart possible??

    OK, well thanks for answering ONE of the two questions I posted several days ago... The solution did not work by the way, I have attached the XML file for you to look at. I am still seeing that ridiculous gradient. How do I remove it?? Also, please answer the other question I posted. Please read through the initial post and look at the attachments. I posted this several days ago. StBar2D2.xml
  5. Is this type of chart possible??

    Hello? Any update on this? Thanks...
  6. Is this type of chart possible??

    Sure, XML attached. Thanks StBar2D2.xml
  7. Is this type of chart possible??

    I have almost got what I want. Please view attached chart. I now have only 1 thing I need to solve. I was able to get the X Axis to go in two directions by using negative numbers. Is there any way to "mask" the X Axis using maybe an absolute function so the numbers show up as positive? One more thing, how do I get the bars to be solid colors??? I do not like gradients or alpha. Thanks...
  8. I am using the PHP Class with FusionCharts version: 3.0.4 My question is this: how do I add a line break in the hovertext? $FC->addChartData($bs_array[$i] - $af_array[$i],"hoverText=Line1Line2"); I need a line break between line1 and line2 in the hovertext above. How is this done??
  9. HoverText and Newline???

    When I try putting between the lines what I get is: Line 1 ampersand pound sign 10 and no line break. What else can I try? Nothing seems to work. I have tried several things.
  10. Combination Chart Question

    I need a chart with 2 Y axis. I have 4 datasets to plot. I would like 3 of the data sets to be lines, and one to be columns. 2 of the line datasets and the column data set will follow the primary Y axis, the other line dataset will follow the secondary Y axis. I have tried using the MSColumn3DLineDY chart to accomplish this, but I do not know how to tell FusionCharts to make 3 of the datasets to be lines and one to be a column dataset. See attached image. I am trying to get the Baseline, Forecast and Variance to be lines, while the Actual dataset needs to be a column. The Baseline, Forecast, and Actual datasets follow the primary Y axis while the Variance dataset follows the secondary Y axis. Thanks...
  11. Combination Chart Question

    Found the answer, thanks.
  12. vLine Not Working

    I am using version 3.1.1, I cannot get a vLine to show up. The vLine should be showing up at the very right of the chart. I have attached the HTML source including XML. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thanks... chart.txt
  13. vLine Not Working

    Thanks. That fixed it.
  14. vLine Not Working

    I thought I found my error, I was using labelPosition instead of linePosition. I changed this and it still does not work correctly. Even after I fixed this the debug keeps spitting out this error: Not sure what is going on. I have attached a new chart html source file to reflect the changes I made. Thanks... chart2.txt
  15. Chart Problem

    Hello, My company is a license holder of the Fusion Chart v3 product and we are having an issue with the chart tool, specifically the multi-series line chart. The tool creates the chart with way too many values between the top of the chart and the highest value, and between the bottom of the chart and the first chart value. For example I have data that ranges from 1 to 1.01, but the chart goes from 0 to 1.12 in steps of .07, this results in a HUGE amount of space from 0 to the first chart value of 1, how can I change this? The same thing can happen with the top of the chart. If my data ranges from 1 to 1.01 I would like the bottom value to be .75 and the top to be 1.25, however when I set the yAxisMin and yAxisMax values there is a y axis label on .25 and 1.25 and that's it, there are no intermediate labels. Is this a bug?? If not how can I make the chart behave the way I want it to? Thanks...
  16. Chart Problem

    I tried that, but all I see is the number 1 repeated up the Y axis. Are my values too small? Is there a lower limit to the difference between points?
  17. Right CLick Question

    When I right-click on a chart, a small menu appears. Is it possible to remove the "About FusionCharts" from that menu? Thanks...
  18. Multi Chart

    I have a chart with bars and a line. I am showing actual vs. planned ($$). I have x-axis labels, but I only want to show one set of y-axis labels. How can I turn off the second set of y-axis labels? I am working off of this example: (Top Left Chart). Thanks...