Craig Maravich

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About Craig Maravich

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  1. Zoomline Chart Category Labels

    I get the same result using {br}, as shown below, you can see it's adding the break in the tool tip, but not on the actual label.
  2. Zoomline Chart Category Labels

    Setting the labelDisplay = 'NONE' worked for extending the labels beyond the chart canvas, however, I also need to be able to include a carriage return to make the month and year (i.e. 'Apr 11') on two lines (month on one line, with year below). I'm building the labels dynamically in c# code behind. I've tried using the "\r\n" typically used which causes the chart to error. Using the UTF code ( or ) creates the carriage return in the tooltip text, but not in the label itself.
  3. Chart Exporter / Legend

    I have a request from our client asking if there's a way to include the Legend when the Export as JPG or PDF is used. Currently, it's only showing the chart. Any help is appreciated!
  4. Zoomline Chart Category Labels

    I am still having issues with the category labels on my zoomline charts. As you can see by the screenshot, I have each month across the bottom as a 3 letter month code, a CR, and 2 digit year. However, for the current month (in this case May 11), it's cutting the label off. It appears to me that the 1st month's label is allowed to spill over the left edge of the chart due to the Y axis labels (0-100%). However, it's cutting off the current month sharply at the end of the chart. I have verified I'm using the most current version of the .cs, .dll, .swf files. And I have played around with the canvas and margins a bit. I have also included the XML data I'm using, and the c# render chart line as well. Any help is appreciated! C#: FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/ZoomLine.swf", "", strXML, "ChartD", "632", "425", false, true, true); XML: <chart caption='METRIC: RTF' subcaption='BU: Total / CM TYPE: Total' exportEnabled='1' labelDisplay='WRAP' exportAtClient='1' baseFontSize='10' exportHandler='fcExporter1' exportFormats='JPG=Export as JPG' exportDataSeparator = '{tab}' showExportDataMenuItem='1' yAxisMinValue ='0' yAxisMaxValue ='100' showValues='0' numberSuffix='%25' anchorRadius='3' showLegend='1' interactiveLegend='1' lineThickness='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' shadowAlpha='80' decimals ='1' chartLeftMargin='25' chartRightMargin='40' canvasRightMargin='25' showBorder='1' borderColor='1576af' borderThickness='1' borderAlpha='100' chartTopMargin='7' chartBottomMargin='30' canvasLeftMargin='25' yAxisNamePadding='25' canvasPadding='5' dynamicAxis='1' numVDivLines='10'> <categories> <category label='May 10'/> <category label='Jun 10'/> <category label='Jul 10'/> <category label='Aug 10'/> <category label='Sep 10'/> <category label='Oct 10'/> <category label='Nov 10'/> <category label='Dec 10'/> <category label='Jan 11'/> <category label='Feb 11'/> <category label='Mar 11'/> <category label='Apr 11'/> <category label='May 11'/> </categories> <dataset seriesName = 'MR' color = 'b95e15'> <set value='58.4383493946133' toolText='MR: 58.4%'/> <set value='56.3308687615527' toolText='MR: 56.3%'/> <set value='57.6649264356906' toolText='MR: 57.7%'/> <set value='55.7824025289779' toolText='MR: 55.8%'/> <set value='56.0310713762275' toolText='MR: 56%'/> <set value='55.9630606860158' toolText='MR: 56%'/> <set value='56.1859390789664' toolText='MR: 56.2%'/> <set value='58.6812877829327' toolText='MR: 58.7%'/> <set value='53.2172373081464' toolText='MR: 53.2%'/> <set value='53.0181818181818' toolText='MR: 53%'/> <set value='52.7768595041322' toolText='MR: 52.8%'/> <set value='54.5777462037119' toolText='MR: 54.6%'/> <set value='55.0408719346049' toolText='MR: 55%'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName = 'ACQ' color = '999873'> <set value='42.9235880398671' toolText='ACQ: 42.9%'/> <set value='45.1827242524917' toolText='ACQ: 45.2%'/> <set value='45.8526874585269' toolText='ACQ: 45.9%'/> <set value='50.3654485049834' toolText='ACQ: 50.4%'/> <set value='45.2855245683931' toolText='ACQ: 45.3%'/> <set value='43.9867109634551' toolText='ACQ: 44%'/> <set value='57.4786324786325' toolText='ACQ: 57.5%'/> <set value='58.2491582491582' toolText='ACQ: 58.2%'/> <set value='55.9186927062575' toolText='ACQ: 55.9%'/> <set value='55.0898203592814' toolText='ACQ: 55.1%'/> <set value='59.6987676859881' toolText='ACQ: 59.7%'/> <set value='57.3770491803279' toolText='ACQ: 57.4%'/> <set value='33.3333333333333' toolText='ACQ: 33.3%'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName = 'MYC' color = 'a03e1c'> <set value='65.1024112004148' toolText='MYC: 65.1%'/> <set value='63.150222495013' toolText='MYC: 63.2%'/> <set value='64.2417547735521' toolText='MYC: 64.2%'/> <set value='64.0453864943661' toolText='MYC: 64%'/> <set value='64.721163837894' toolText='MYC: 64.7%'/> <set value='64.5062775704106' toolText='MYC: 64.5%'/> <set value='60.4825224938291' toolText='MYC: 60.5%'/> <set value='61.6020428734628' toolText='MYC: 61.6%'/> <set value='61.8687430478309' toolText='MYC: 61.9%'/> <set value='61.6134087347551' toolText='MYC: 61.6%'/> <set value='62.6041792487015' toolText='MYC: 62.6%'/> <set value='62.4315597360663' toolText='MYC: 62.4%'/> <set value='62.4920534011443' toolText='MYC: 62.5%'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName = 'TSC' color = '185484'> <set value='64.5582964368543' toolText='TSC: 64.6%'/> <set value='65.4344902663934' toolText='TSC: 65.4%'/> <set value='65.4646742692358' toolText='TSC: 65.5%'/> <set value='65.5603788476717' toolText='TSC: 65.6%'/> <set value='64.524761877356' toolText='TSC: 64.5%'/> <set value='64.518222126095' toolText='TSC: 64.5%'/> <set value='64.0747652021035' toolText='TSC: 64.1%'/> <set value='66.3551548905776' toolText='TSC: 66.4%'/> <set value='66.6772269440014' toolText='TSC: 66.7%'/> <set value='67.6301266526383' toolText='TSC: 67.6%'/> <set value='68.765555742858' toolText='TSC: 68.8%'/> <set value='68.4865172806684' toolText='TSC: 68.5%'/> <set value='67.035742035742' toolText='TSC: 67%'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName = 'DSP' color = '68884e'> <set value='67.0090386195563' toolText='DSP: 67%'/> <set value='69.8375870069606' toolText='DSP: 69.8%'/> <set value='67.7656850192061' toolText='DSP: 67.8%'/> <set value='68.8369152970923' toolText='DSP: 68.8%'/> <set value='70.2032380296245' toolText='DSP: 70.2%'/> <set value='66.4383561643836' toolText='DSP: 66.4%'/> <set value='71.2387280493593' toolText='DSP: 71.2%'/> <set value='69.6739615899955' toolText='DSP: 69.7%'/> <set value='72.128118263012' toolText='DSP: 72.1%'/> <set value='68.9351851851852' toolText='DSP: 68.9%'/> <set value='69.691706469822' toolText='DSP: 69.7%'/> <set value='68.7183811129848' toolText='DSP: 68.7%'/> <set value='71.5328467153285' toolText='DSP: 71.5%'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName = 'CRD' color = 'c38c26'> <set value='42.0010613544516' toolText='CRD: 42%'/> <set value='43.2028979738068' toolText='CRD: 43.2%'/> <set value='44.6759952110147' toolText='CRD: 44.7%'/> <set value='46.4746772591857' toolText='CRD: 46.5%'/> <set value='46.4982036895007' toolText='CRD: 46.5%'/> <set value='43.9318331607193' toolText='CRD: 43.9%'/> <set value='51.5555811144977' toolText='CRD: 51.6%'/> <set value='52.3706777316736' toolText='CRD: 52.4%'/> <set value='51.9619971299916' toolText='CRD: 52%'/> <set value='47.511631185676' toolText='CRD: 47.5%'/> <set value='51.0335307152977' toolText='CRD: 51%'/> <set value='51.624335499114' toolText='CRD: 51.6%'/> <set value='48.824494259158' toolText='CRD: 48.8%'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName = 'MTSC' color = '9b4139'> <set value='45.7' toolText='MTSC: 45.7%'/> <set value='42.3' toolText='MTSC: 42.3%'/> <set value='42.9' toolText='MTSC: 42.9%'/> <set value='46.3' toolText='MTSC: 46.3%'/> <set value='43.9' toolText='MTSC: 43.9%'/> <set value='44.1' toolText='MTSC: 44.1%'/> <set value='44.6' toolText='MTSC: 44.6%'/> <set value='52.3' toolText='MTSC: 52.3%'/> <set value='48.5619469026549' toolText='MTSC: 48.6%'/> <set value='53.309265944645' toolText='MTSC: 53.3%'/> <set value='48.1971153846154' toolText='MTSC: 48.2%'/> <set value='54.0216086434574' toolText='MTSC: 54%'/> <set value='59.7938144329897' toolText='MTSC: 59.8%'/> </dataset> </chart>
  5. Zoom Chart Question

    I'm using the Zoom Chart to show a 13 month trendline, everything is fine with the exception of the label for the last month, as you can see, it's truncating '2011' to '20'. It looks like it's just going to the end of the chart, and clipping it, not allowing it to go into the canvas. Here is the code that is generating the chart: <chart caption='" + caption + "' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1' exportFormats='JPG=Export as JPG' exportDataSeparator = '{tab}' showExportDataMenuItem='1' yAxisMinValue ='" + min.ToString() + "' yAxisMaxValue ='" + max.ToString() + "' showValues='0' numberSuffix='%25' anchorRadius='3' showLegend='1' interactiveLegend='1' lineThickness='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' shadowAlpha='80' chartRightMargin='40' decimals ='1' chartLeftMargin='25' showBorder='1' borderColor='1576af' borderThickness='1' borderAlpha='100' chartTopMargin='7' chartBottomMargin='30' canvasLeftMargin='25' canvasPadding='5' labelDisplay='WRAP' useEllipsesWhenOverflow='0' dynamicAxis='1' numVDivLines='10'> Any help is appreciated!