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About ndorfnz

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Valueposition

    Well, I did the upgrade and followed instructions per: http://www.fusioncha...pgrading32.html, including clearing cache. But when debugging, my version still shows 3.1.1... Not sure if you could have a look to determine what might be going on? A sample link below: Sample Page Any suggestions?
  2. Valueposition

    So...upgraded to v3.1.1, thought my problem might be solved, but no go. I'm not getting valuePosition to be recognized in my chart. You can see the month of Apr and May values overlapping? Below is the xml which clearing shows the valuePosition ABOVE and BELOW accordingly. XML: <chart chartLeftMargin='3' chartRightMargin='3' yAxisName='All Activities Time' alternateHGridColor='3f3f3f' valuePadding='5' rotateValues='0' showValues='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' canvasPadding='7' alternateHGridAlpha='50' canvasBgColor='ffffff' canvasBgAlpha='50' canvasBaseColor='000000' toolTipBorderColor='000000' toolTipBgColor='3f3f3f' legendBgColor='000000' divLineColor='666666' baseFont='Verdana' baseFontSize ='10' baseFontColor ='ffffff' borderThickness='1' lineThickness='2' bgcolor='000000' caption='' PYAxisName='time' SYAxisName='' xAxisName='' numberPrefix='' formatNumberScale='0' decimals='0' > <categories> <category name='Jan' /><category name='Feb' /><category name='Mar' /><category name='Apr' /><category name='May' /><category name='Jun' /><category name='Jul' /><category name='Jul' /><category name='Sep' /><category name='Oct' /><category name='Nov' /><category name='Dec' /></categories> <dataset seriesName='2009' parentYAxis='S' color='ffffff' anchorBorderColor='000000' valuePosition='BELOW'> <set value='27.52000000' /><set value='24.39555556' /><set value='29.75000000' /><set value='25.54527778' /><set value='27.67611111' /><set value='16.12194444' /><set value='14.28472222' /><set value='29.70166667' /><set value='22.83194444' /><set value='4.21055556' /><set value='24.01388889' /><set value='15.75305556' /></dataset> <dataset seriesName='2010' color='016ed3' valuePosition='ABOVE'> <set value='10.02305556' /><set value='8.37805556' /><set value='10.87861111' /><set value='26.04833333' /><set value='26.84861111' /><set value='19.18472222' /><set value='20.86000000' /><set value='33.41222222' /><set value='43.74027778' /><set value='41.51305556' /><set value='21.59833333' /><set value='0' /></dataset> <styles><definition><style name='myBevel' type='bevel' distance='2' /></definition><application><apply toObject='ANCHORS' styles='myBevel' /></application></styles> </chart>"
  3. Displayvalue Doesn't Work

    Thank you! I've already downloaded and upgraded...it all works now (after clearing cache ) Thanks again!
  4. Displayvalue Doesn't Work

    Well there you go!!! Might explain why some other parameters aren't working as well. My version shows: Version: 3.0.1 I did find the location to upgrade and downloaded 3.1.1. I replaced all the charts, however when I turn debug on it still showing version 3.0.1...am I missing something to upgrade??? Many Thanks!
  5. Displayvalue Doesn't Work

    So, referencing Fusion Charts docs and see where you can use a text label Data Values Text Seems very straight forward...however, looking at my chart and XML, it doesn't work? I should clearly see 2 text labels over 0 and 3.5 on the 2010 (blue line) <chart animation='1' alternateHGridColor='3f3f3f' showValues='1' showYAxisValues='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' canvasPadding='5' alternateHGridAlpha='50' canvasBgColor='ffffff' canvasBgAlpha='50' canvasBaseColor='000000' toolTipBorderColor='000000' toolTipBgColor='3f3f3f' legendBgColor='000000' divLineColor='666666' baseFontColor ='ffffff' baseFont='Verdana' baseFontSize ='10' borderThickness='1' lineThickness='2' bgcolor='000000' caption='' PYAxisName='' SYAxisName='' xAxisName='' numberPrefix='' formatNumberScale='0' rotateValues='0' decimals='2' valuePosition='BELOW' valuePadding='3' ><categories><category name='Sun' /><category name='Mon' /><category name='Tues' /><category name='Wed' /><category name='Thur' /><category name='Fri' /><category name='Sat' /></categories><dataset seriesName='2009' parentYAxis='S' color='ffffff'><set value='' /><set value='8.26' /><set value='8.26' /><set value='12.21' /><set value='8.34' /><set value='13.56' /><set value='14.39' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='2010' color='016ed3' baseFontColor='016ed3'><set value='0' displayValue='hello1' /><set value='3.5' displayValue='hellomon' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /><set value='0' /></dataset></chart>
  6. What's Wrong With This Xml?

    Driving me freakin' crazy! Simply graphing one data point for each year. Example 2689.99 for 2009 1857.17 for 2010 My 2010 value keeps showing on 2009 and not under my 2010 category!? Here's the xml being generated: "<chart alternateHGridColor='3f3f3f' canvasBgColor='ffffff' canvasBgAlpha='50' canvasBaseColor='000000' toolTipBorderColor='000000' toolTipBgColor='3f3f3f' legendBgColor='000000' divLineColor='666666' baseFont='Verdana' baseFontSize ='10' baseFontColor ='ffffff' borderThickness='1' lineThickness='2' bgcolor='000000' caption='' PYAxisName='distance' SYAxisName='distance' xAxisName='day' numberPrefix='' formatNumberScale='0' showValues='1' decimals='2' > <categories><category name='2009' /><category name='2010' /></categories> <dataset seriesName='2009' parentYAxis='S' color='ffffff'><set value='2689.986' /></dataset> <dataset seriesName='2010' color='3f3f3f'><set value='1857.17' /> </dataset></chart>") And the chart: