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Everything posted by snivas

  1. Hi, this is my code. The problem what i am facing is , the FusionChart is polling to the URL twice and in the second time without 'querystring' resulting in null dataset. Could you help me in finding out whether is it a bug? var datasrc = "/querydb.php?using=0B.00&target=null&enddate=2010-11-15-15:31:53&startdate=2010-11-14-23:20:59"; var myChart = new FusionCharts( "MultiAxisLine.swf", "myChartId", "99%", "99%", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl(datasrc); myChart.render("chartContainer"); I also tried embedding the charts using "swfobject.js". but facing the same issue. but here, there are no two http requests, but the queryparameters in the URL are ignored. Thanks in advance.
  2. Zooming On Y Axis

    Hello, Is there any line chart category that will allow for zooming in "Y" axis. The normal zoom chart allows to zoom in X axis . I would like to know any charts that will allow to zoom in 'y' axis, rather than using 2 'y' axis. Thanks