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Everything posted by jburke4

  1. Charting Sharepoint List Data

    Hello, I have been beating myself up trying to get this to work. I am able to pull data from a sharepoint list as an xml document no problem. I am able to create the standard xml document to display a manually entered list of data into a fusion chart no problem. What I am unable to do is to pull data automatically from a sharepoint list and display it as a fusionchart thereby automating this process so that as data is entered into the list the chart is instantly updated. Here is how I pull data from the list to an xml document: http://MyServer/[site]/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?Cmd=Display&List={listGuid}&XMLDATA=TRUE Here is an example of the data returned: - <xml xmlns:s="uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882" xmlns:dt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema">- <s:Schema id="RowsetSchema">- <s:ElementType name="row" content="eltOnly" rs:CommandTimeout="30">- <s:AttributeType name="ows_DocIcon" rs:name="Type" rs:number="1"> <s:datatype dt:type="string" dt:maxLength="512" /> </s:AttributeType>- <s:AttributeType name="ows_Name_x0020_of_x0020_injured_x002" rs:name="Name of injured worker" rs:number="2"> <s:datatype dt:type="string" dt:maxLength="512" /> </s:AttributeType>- <s:AttributeType name="ows_Company" rs:name="Company" rs:number="3"> <s:datatype dt:type="string" dt:maxLength="512" /> </s:AttributeType>- <s:AttributeType name="ows_Date_x0020_and_x0020_time_x0020_" rs:name="Date and time of incident" rs:number="4"> <s:datatype dt:type="datetime" dt:maxLength="8" /> </s:AttributeType>- <s:AttributeType name="ows_Claim_x0020_Status" rs:name="Claim Status" rs:number="5"> <s:datatype dt:type="string" dt:maxLength="512" /> </s:AttributeType>- <s:AttributeType name="ows_Financial" rs:name="Financial" rs:number="6"> <s:datatype dt:type="float" dt:maxLength="8" /> </s:AttributeType>- <s:AttributeType name="ows_OSHA_x0020_Recordable" rs:name="OSHA Recordable" rs:number="7"> <s:datatype dt:type="boolean" dt:maxLength="1" /> </s:AttributeType>- <s:AttributeType name="ows_Contact_x0020_Log" rs:name="Contact Log" rs:number="8"> <s:datatype dt:type="string" dt:maxLength="1073741823" /> </s:AttributeType> </s:ElementType> </s:Schema>- <rs:data> <z:row ows_Name_x0020_of_x0020_injured_x002="jane doe" ows_Company="subsidiary2" ows_Date_x0020_and_x0020_time_x0020_="2010-09-13 14:00:00" ows_Claim_x0020_Status="Open" ows_Financial="1100.00000000000" ows_OSHA_x0020_Recordable="1" ows_Contact_x0020_Log="<div class=ExternalClass693C873314504FFF907BB8BD8A141304><div>comments about this case.</div></div>" /> <z:row ows_Name_x0020_of_x0020_injured_x002="john doe" ows_Company="subsidiary1" ows_Date_x0020_and_x0020_time_x0020_="2010-05-21 00:00:00" ows_Claim_x0020_Status="Open" ows_Financial="30265.1000000000" ows_OSHA_x0020_Recordable="1" ows_Contact_x0020_Log="<div class=ExternalClassEEF871C79503466FA4A55BEF02D6C9FF><div>comments about this case.</div></div>" /> </rs:data> </xml> Here is an xml used for fusionchart: <chart> <categories> <category label="Claim Amount" /> </categories> <dataset SeriesName="subsidiary1"> <set value="30265.10" /> </dataset> <dataset SeriesName="subsidiary2"> <set value="1100" /> </dataset> </chart> I need to pull data from the list as demonstrated above and update the data in the fusionchart xml but have no clue how to. I would prefer to do this directly in the fusionchart xml but if I have to use a java script that is fine too. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Charting Sharepoint List Data

    How about this? Is it possible to change the data that is charted from the following: <chart> <set label="2007" value="3.13" /> <set label="2008" value="9.27" /> <set label="2009" value="9.27" /> <set label="2010ytd" value="0" /> </chart> So that rather than using label and value from above it uses ows_Name_x0020_of_x0020_injured_x002=" " and ows_Company=" " as the below excerp from an xml document shows - <rs:data> <z:row ows_Name_x0020_of_x0020_injured_x002="Full Name" ows_Company="Department" ows_Date_x0020_and_x0020_time_x0020_="Date" ows_Claim_x0020_Status="Closed" ows_Financial="Dollar Amount" ows_OSHA_x0020_Recordable="0" ows_Contact_x0020_Log="<div class=ExternalClass7D50E8C57E9944BABC2C1830F2A5940A><div></div></div>" /> - <rs:data>
  3. Charting Sharepoint List Data

    I guess I"m not the only one that cant figure this out.