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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hi, it is possible dynamically set or change chart properties? var myChart = new FusionCharts(... + "/Column3D.swf"); myChart.setXMLUrl(... + "/Data.xml"); myChart.render("divChartContainer"); var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcExporter", ... + "/FCExporter.swf"); myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btnsavetitle = "Save"; myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btndisabledtitle = "Waiting"; myExportComponent.Render("divChartExporter"); Without changing xml file, I want to set dynamically some chart properties (exportenabled, exportAtClient, exportHandler, exportDialogMessage, exportDialogMessage, exportFormats, exportDataMenuItemLabel, decimalSeparator, thousandSeparator ...). How do it via JavaScript? Tks.
  2. Hi, in a stackedBar2D I would like to improve the visibility of the values. How can I do this? For example, in the attach picture I would like to: - show only not zero value - put value near bar, but not into (above or below). Any idea? Tks.
  3. Hi, ho I can to locale these messages - Switch to pin mode - pin a subset of data and drag the pinned region for comparing with other subset - Reset chart - Show all data points - zoom out - zoom out to previous view in different languages? Whitch properties use? Tks.
  4. Hi, client-side exporting is fantastic ... It is possible to hide Waiting button and show its only after charts is ready to save? Witch event is called when button change from Waiting to Save? Thanks.
  5. Hi Sudipto, tks. I resolved in this way: <div id="divContainer"></div> <div id="divExporter"></div> var divExporter = document.getElementById("divExporter"); var divContainer = document.getElementById("divContainer"); function FC_ExportReady(DOMId) { divExporter.style.visibility = "visible"; divExporter.style.display = "block"; return false; }; function ExportGraph() { var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject(...); myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btnsavetitle = ...; myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btndisabledtitle = ...; myExportComponent.Render(divExporter.id); return false; }; function Reload() { divExporter.innerHTML = ""; divExporter.style.visibility = "hidden"; divExporter.style.display = "none"; divContainer.innerHTML = ""; var myChart = new FusionCharts(...); ... myChart.render(divContainer.id); ExportGraph(); return false; }; Reload(); Better solutions?
  6. Hi, in a pie chart it is possible to see simultaneously values and percent values? I try with showPercentValues: 1, showValues: 1 ... but don't work. And see simultaneously values and percent values in tooltip? Tks.