I try to use Cylinder widget on my project.
It'has worked perfect till I try update charts on fly.
I have created widget in the next manner:
var chartName = "myChartId<%:name %>";
var myChart = new FusionCharts("../../Content/FusionGauge/Cylinder.swf", chartName, "150", "200", "0", "1");
myChart.setDataXML("<chart showBorder='0' cylFillColor='" + '<%:color %>' + "' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' numberSuffix=' ltrs.' bgColor='FFFFFF'><value>" + <%:mainTankLevel %> + "</value></chart>");
myChart.render("chartdiv<%:name %>");
This part works perfect.
But I try to update charts. It doesn't work. I tried to write next bellow (under first part)
var chartObj = getChartFromId(chartName);
chartObj.setDataXML("<chart showBorder='0' cylFillColor='FF2631' lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' numberSuffix=' ltrs.' bgColor='FFFFFF'><value>50</value></chart>");
This still doesn't work and I catch next error. That "setDataXML" method doesn't exist for chartObj.
Please, let me answer as soon as possible. I requested to buy this widget and don't sure that it works in proper way now.