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Everything posted by shthik

  1. Dear Team, How to set wMode transparent in Fusion charts in JSON mode? Regards, Ganesh P
  2. Dear Team, I am not able to render JSON data through Javascript in browser. Even though i m using FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); to render data in javascript. In my machine, i installed flash but i need to check the charts in javascript. No issue in rendering and no data is displayed. Help me to resolve this issue. Regards, Shthik.
  3. Dear Team, Is it possible to customize legend, by giving link to legend to open another charts in same window or in new window? Instead of hiding the clicked legend in charts, is it possible to show only clicked one and hiding all other legends? Regards, shthik.
  4. Regarding Smarter Interactive Legend

    Dear Sanjukta, Is it possible to set background of stackedcolumn3d chart image alone? We wish to set the background image of that chart in white color. I have attached the image for your reference. Regards, Shthik.