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Everything posted by shamilsons

  1. Hello everyone, I am new to Fusion Charts just used for the past 2 hours . I tried very simple example of chart with javascript but I was not able to set Y axis units from 0 - 1000 but intead it is written as NaN.00M How to set units Y-axis units ? The code is below and I also attached a screenshot <script language="JavaScript"> var acadChart = new FusionCharts("../scripts/charts/FCF_Column2D.swf", "acadChartId", "300", "250", "0", "1"); acadChart.setDataXML("<graph><set name='Fakulte' value='10' color='990000'/><set name='Bölüm' value='195' color='AFD8F8'/><set name='Ders Grubu' value=914' color='990000'/></graph>"); acadChart.render("acadCharts"); </script> thank you
  2. How To Set Units Is Charts

    Hello everyone, I am new to Fusion Charts just used for the past 2 hours . I tried very simple example of chart with javascript but I was not able to set Y axis units from 0 - 1000 but intead it is written as NaN.00M How to set units Y-axis units ? The code is below and I also attached a screenshot <script language="JavaScript"> var acadChart = new FusionCharts("../scripts/charts/FCF_Column2D.swf", "acadChartId", "300", "250", "0", "1"); acadChart.setDataXML("<graph><set name='Fakulte' value='10' color='990000'/><set name='Bölüm' value='195' color='AFD8F8'/><set name='Ders Grubu' value='914' color='990000'/></graph>"); acadChart.render("acadCharts"); </script> thanks in advance