I will test and get back to you, I was hoping to be able to query the database and return results. Am unsure at this point if this works like this.
My "Connection_inc.php" file is formatted for MySQL.
Does anybody know the code to connect to a MSSQL Database using PHP.
or any other suggestions to connect to a MSSQL Database other than ASP
// In this page, we open the connection to the Database
// Our MySQL database (blueprintdb) for the Blueprint Application
// Function to connect to the DB
function connectToDB() {
// These four parameters must be changed dependent on your MySQL settings
$hostdb = 'localhost'; // MySQl host
$userdb = 'username'; // MySQL username
$passdb = 'password'; // MySQL password
$namedb = 'blueprint'; // MySQL database name
$link = mysql_connect ($hostdb, $userdb, $passdb);
if (!$link) {
// we should have connected, but if any of the above parameters
// are incorrect or we can't access the DB for some reason,
// then we will stop execution here
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$db_selected = mysql_select_db($namedb);
if (!$db_selected) {
die ('Can't use database : ' . mysql_error());
return $link;