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About mishal

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, I have installed the Collabion charts version in WSS3.0. I need to create chart using data from Excel file which is present in document library. But I see that there is no option for Excel files in Data Provider. Whether it is not supported in wss3.0? How can I create chats using Excel data in WSS 3.0? Regards, Mishal
  2. Thanks for the reply Could you please tell me whether support for multiple sharepoint lists will be available in future? if then when can I expect this feature released in Collabion Charts? Regards, Mishal
  3. Hi all, I have been evaluating Collabion charts and its a great tool But as far as I see you are providing a single list to chart off. I would like to know whether I can create charts using multiple sharepoint lists also? For instance, one list contains customer information and another list contains products with ProductID ,ProductPrice and other related details. Now, I would like to chart a single report of all customers, including name,city and state and all associated products with ProductID and ProductPrice . I am just curious to know whether you are providing the support for multiple sharepoint lists. Regards, mishal
  4. Fusion Charts Sharepoint Moss 2007

    Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to display fusion charts using dataview webparts? To give a more detail about it, I have two custom share point lists. I have created a data view by joining those two lists in share point designer.Now I need to display the fusion chart whose values are coming from the resultant data view which I have created.How can I do this? Or is there any alternative way to display fusion chart whose values are the resultant of join operation of two share point custom lists? Regards, Mishal
  5. Hi, Can anyone please give me the link for <b>fusion charts for sharepoint 2007 documentation</b>. I am using the fusion chart wizard for displaying charts and I need the documentaion guide for the same.Quick reply would be appreciated.Thank you Regards, Mishal