Hi Guys,
Could you please point me in the right direction. Attached is the chart we need to duplicate.
We thought we would do the following:
1) plot a bunch of yellow overlapping areas (series) with different alpha to create a darker color effect where there is more overlap,
2) plot a gray band with the "optimal" range that can be overlaid on top
3) plot line charts for the data in 1), so that they can overlay the gray band
then we are stuck and the questions are as follows:
a) How can zeroPlane be changed from 0 to 70 (in this case), so that every value below that plots as the negative value area?
b ) How can the "negative" color value be defined? In the attached sample, the positive values are red and those below 70 are red.
We have the license and the source code version. If this is not readily available, where in the source code should we make the changes for a) and .
Thanks a bunch!